
Artworkers Press


The Queen's Corrections II

by   GDThurston


About the Story


The Queen’s Corrections is a mystery / romance novel filled with intense and passionate intrigue. It exemplifies today’s political correctness regarding the art and science of forensic analysis.  It is the baseline and a unique underpinning for this story.



“Deoxyribonucleic Acid”


Author’s Hypothesis


In practical terms, ‘DNA Profiling’ has been available for only a short period of time.  It is having a phenomenal impact on our world today; not only for the characters in this work of fiction, but more importantly, it’s now reality for all.   It is changing the course of history and the legacy of our civilization. This narrative attempts to shed some light from a practical point of view and puts in perspective its influence with respect to ‘Forensic Science’, and to better quantify the current state of the art as it relates to our day to day lives.